Use of Information Technologies by Students

Student Essentials

Use of Information Technologies by Students

The successful use of these resources requires a disciplined attitude and a forward-looking approach to the use of electronic media as teaching and learning tools.


Students are required to use their laptop computers and the school computer network responsibly.


Communication on the information networks is often public and the general school rules pertaining to student behaviour, conduct and standards apply.


When using their laptop and accessing school information resources, students must follow the guidelines detailed in this document. It is essential that all parties act according to the laws and regulations that affect the use of electronic media.


Students who fail to comply will be referred to Student Services and may forfeit the right to access the school network. Other sanctions may be imposed depending on the nature of the breach.


The role of parents and caregivers is to convey the importance of the contents of this policy.

They can assist the school by communicating the importance of the contents of this document, informing the school of any concerns with their child’s use of the school resources and having an educative approach to the use of information technology in the home.




A log of all access to the internet including department-based e-mail will be maintained and periodically scanned. It is a condition of network access that students agree to the monitoring of all activities including their files, email and Internet access. The Network Administrator and the school network staff reserve the right to monitor all activities on the network.




Parents should be aware of incidents regarding safety online. Personal information is easily tracked and harvested by those who know how, so it is important to keep as safe as possible while online. Parents are encouraged to check the main government cybersafe information website for further useful information.




Saving or backing-up of data is the student’s responsibility. Teachers may not accept data loss as an excuse for failure to submit work on time.




All machines used at school must be configured with anti-virus software which frequently and automatically checks for viruses. On the detection of a virus or the suspicion of a viral infection, the student must inform the technicians at the next break.


Students are offered access to the internet and other resources on the school’s network. This access is a privilege and students are required to use the information network safely, effectively and responsibly. The Internet and the school’s network are provided for curriculum purposes only. Inappropriate use will result in temporary or permanent cancellation of network privileges and possible other sanctions depending on the breach.




Student passwords must be kept confidential and students are prohibited from revealing their network password to anyone except the System Administrator. Account owners will be held responsible for all activity under their account. Students are responsible for their accounts and everything on their machines. As passwords must be kept secret, no user may claim that another person entered their home directory and did anything to cause school rules to be broken.

Users are prohibited from:

  • attempting to log into the network with any username or password that is not their own, or changing any other person’s password; passwords can be reset only by the computer technicians or the Network Manager
  • using or possessing any program designed to reduce network security
  • entering any other person’s file directory or doing anything whatsoever to another person’s files
  • attempting to alter any person’s access rights
  • modifying the settings and configuration of any computer system attached to the school’s fixed computer network
  • installation of unauthorised software
  • bringing or downloading unauthorised programs to school or running them on school computers
  • storing the following types of files in their home directory on the school server, without permission from their teacher:
  • program files
  • compressed files
  • picture files, unless they are required by a subject
  • obscene material – pictures or text
  • obscene filenames
  • insulting material
  • password-protected files

Deliberate attempts to disrupt the operation of the school’s network (eg the accessing of the operating system, downloading or creation of computer viruses) will result in disciplinary action. Such activity will be referred to Student Services and students may forfeit the right to access the school network.




  • Students may not visit any web site that is not directly connected with schoolwork (in particular watching videos or downloading music for personal use is not permitted).
  • Students must not load any web browser during class time or in the library without the express permission of the teacher. The use of browsers during break time is prohibited.
  • Students may not access inappropriate or offensive material. If a user inadvertently accesses a site which contains inappropriate material the user must immediately withdraw from the site and report that site to their supervising teacher; the supervising teacher will report the incident to Student Services.
  • Students must protect their and other users’ privacy. Personal information such as home addresses and telephone numbers must never be revealed on the Internet.
  • Copyright laws must be observed at all times. The rules governing plagiarism apply to all electronic media and information accessed on the Internet must be used in an appropriate manner in assignments. The source must be cited in the reference process.
  • Transmission of any material in violation of any state or federal law is prohibited. This includes threatening, harassing and offensive material.
  • Breaking software copyright. It is illegal to copy or distribute school software. Software from other sources is not to be copied or installed on the school equipment or private equipment attached to the school network.




Filtering software has been placed on the Internet links. It nonetheless remains the responsibility of individual students to ensure their behaviour does not contravene school rules or rules imposed by parents/caregivers or the law.


Students must follow school guidelines and procedures when preparing materials for publication on the web.