01 Feb Introducing our Lower School Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator

Ms Atkinson has been part of Willetton Senior High School for 16 years, seven of these years as a Year Coordinator starting with our inaugural Year 7 cohort in 2015. It was in this role she found her passion in supporting Willetton’s young people.
Ms Atkinson has also been involved with the Willetton Gifted and Talented program since her own child went through and has been teaching in the lower school Gifted and Talented program for the last nine years.
When the opportunity to take up the role of the Lower School Gifted and Talented Coordinator was established, she was thrilled to be offered the position. In this role Ms Atkinson will work closely with each child in Years 7-9, their families, and their teachers providing pastoral care and academic support.
We look forward to positive and productive associations with all involved in the development of Willetton’s young gifted and talented students. Parents are encouraged to contact Ms Atkinson if they have concerns about their child’s academic, social, or emotional wellbeing.