Willetton Senior High School is one of the Western Australian public secondary schools offering a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Academic Program.
These programs focus on rigorous studies in Science, English, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences. Students benefit from being exposed to a differentiated curriculum designed to stimulate and develop the individual’s skills in inquiry, analytical and critical thinking, communication and creativity.
The academically focused learning environment is intellectually challenging and designed to motivate students to extend their knowledge, understanding and application and to enhance their learning skills for a lifetime of personal progress. Students offered a place in this program will have scored highly in the competitive Academic Selective Entrance Test administered by the Department of Education.
For specific dates please refer to the Department of Education WA website.
There is a provision for students to gain entry to the Program after Year 6 if vacancies occur. Places are limited, usually only one or two places per year.
Students are in discrete Gifted and Talented classes in Year 7 – 10, then join mainstream classes in Year 11 and 12. Support is provided in upper school from a coordinator who provides intellectual and emotional support to the students. After-school tuition (once per week) and revision classes leading up to examinations are provided to students in the senior program.
Kimberley Atkinson kimberley.atkinson@education.wa.edu.au
Darren Hamley darren.hamley@education.wa.edu.au
Julie Hind julie.hind@education.wa.edu.au
Charmaine Smith charmaine.smith@education.wa.edu.au