Charges and Voluntary Contributions

Finance for Parents

Charges and Voluntary Contributions

Voluntary Contributions – Years 7 to 10

The maximum contribution that can be requested of parents towards the cost of a standard educational program which satisfies the requirements of the curriculum framework in Years 7-10 is $235. Recipients eligible to receive Secondary Assistance Scheme have the $235 deducted from the voluntary contributions in line with government policy.


Compulsory Charges – Years 7 to 10

Electives vary in cost from approximately $5 to $250. If the more expensive electives are chosen, Charges and Voluntary Contributions are likely to be greater than $235. Expensive electives are termed extra cost optional components. Where extra cost optional components are selected, an additional compulsory charge will apply. The school may ask for a 50% confirmation charge for high cost electives.


Extra cost optional components refer to;

  • elective courses of study which have a high cost associated with provision, such as high cost electives in Specialist programs
  • enrichment activities in any course for which there is a high cost associated with their provisions, such as excursions, camps
  • Other optional school-based activities which address broad learning outcomes and for which there is a high cost, such as school and social events
  • Yearbook


Participation in the above components is voluntary but a compulsory charge is payable if the student participates.


Compulsory Charges – Years 11 & 12

In Years 11 and 12 all course charges are compulsory.

Recipients eligible to receive the Secondary Assistance Scheme will have the $235 deducted from the Charges. Charges for all courses are compulsory. The school may ask for a 50% confirmation charge for high cost courses to assist with planning of timetables and the deployment of staff.


There may be additional optional extra costs for;

  • enrichment activities in any course such as excursions or camps
  • other optional school-based activities which address broad learning outcomes and for which there is a high cost, such as school and social events such as graduation dinners or schoolballs
  • Yearbook