Executive Team

About Us

Executive Team

Executive Team can be accessed on 9334 7200 or through email willetton.shs@education.wa.edu.au


Trevor Hunter


Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Student Support

Strategic Innovation

School Performance – Oversight of Review and Strategic Planning

Resource Allocation and Management

Marketing, Community Relations and Partnerships


Associate Principal
Sacha Bradley


Quality Teaching and Learning

School Performance – Review and Strategic Planning

Professional Learning and School Development

Leadership Development Strategy

Strategic oversight of Curriculum Pathways, Academic Monitoring, Gifted and Talented and School Operations

Curriculum, Performance Management and Performance Development of English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Science Learning Areas.


Associate Principal

Brendon Bleakley


Quality Teaching and Learning

School Performance – Review and Strategic Planning

Professional Learning and School Development

Information and Learning Technologies

Strategic oversight of E-Learning, Workforce, Student Support and Academic Extension

Curriculum, Performance Management and Performance Development of The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, Vocational Education and Training and Language Learning Areas and Student Services.


Deputy Principals – Workforce
Phil Sherwood


Workforce Management, Planning and Recruitment

Human Resource Management (Teaching)

Staff wellbeing and welfare

Teacher Development


Line Management of The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, Vocational Education and Training and Languages Learning Areas.


Deputy Principal 
Christine Petersen


Literacy and Numeracy

Aboriginal Education

Teacher Development


Deputy Principal – School Systems and Resourcing

Jordan Newton


Timetable Development and Resource Allocation

Assessment and Reporting

Curriculum Pathway Planning

Incident Management and Response Planning

Line Management of English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Library, Mathematics and Science Learning Areas.


Deputy Principal – Student Services

Brad Spicer


Student Support and Pastoral Care

Student Behaviour Management

Student Achievement Monitoring

Prospective Parents and Students – Enrolments and Transition

Parent Engagement

Learning and Curriculum Support

Line Management of Student Services and Learning and Curriculum Support


Manager of Corporate Services

Karina Surmon


Finance Management and Strategic Planning

Facility Management and Development

ICT and IT Management and Administration

Publicity and Publications

Human Resource Management (Support Staff) and Workforce Planning